The Learning Diaries | A look back at 2016

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January | The Photographer’s Gallery – Back in January we were commissioned to evaluate a project helping young people to launch careers in the photography industry.

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February | This photo was taken after a meeting with Canal & River Trust on the café boat at Little Venice for the then upcoming ‘Dance on Water’ project.

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March | Museum of London Docklands – I ran some training with the museum’s tour guides on developing tours specifically for family audiences

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April | HRP Tower of London – my colleague Lucie and I carried out some research to inform the development of a co-created audio experience for visitors aged 11 – 19 to the Tower of London.

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May | Some colleagues and I conducted research across the South East Music Education Hubs, conducting interviews with various Hub leads, representatives from Bridge organisations and Arts Council England Relationship Managers to look at the overall picture of provision across the region.

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June | HRP Tower of London – we were back at the Tower for the evaluation of the ‘Music at The Tower’ festival which saw over 1300 young people performing over eight days.

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July | Film London – during the summer we were at Hackney Picturehouse evaluating the ‘Cultivate’ training course for film education professionals.

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August | London Transport Museum – I’ve also been evaluating the learning and participation strand of the Battle Bus project; this photo was taken at one of the events at Bruce Castle Museum in Tottenham, where young volunteers read their own poems inspired by what they’d learnt on the project.

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September | LSO – my colleague Jacqui and I conducted some focus groups for the orchestra, reviewing their print marketing with their frequent and less frequent concert goers.

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October | This pic of the Thames on a lovely grey day was taken from the balcony at City Hall where the Ageing Well in London conference was held, which brought together key voices from research, health, culture, sport, voluntary sector, social care, public health and local government to explore ways in which older Londoners can lead active and fulfilling lives.

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November | I ran some training with young ambassadors for the Pen to Print project at Barking Library, helping them develop skills in consultation and marketing in order to promote the library and its events more widely to their peers.

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December | Vestry House Museum – last week was spent mainly at this old work house in Walthamstow, soaking up the local history while conducting audience research utilising this visitor journey mapping technique (among others).