Do you struggle to find the time to collate, present and communicate your schools booking data? Do you find it challenging to build a picture of the schools you are reaching – from geographical spread to other factors such as school type and % pupils eligible for free school meals – to help you set future targets?
An all-in-one solution
We have recently developed a new Schools Engagement Report that compares information about the schools and pupils you engage, with data about your chosen target area.
The report combines data from the Schools Census with various other sources, including Audience Spectrum, our geodemographic profiling and segmentation tool which integrates data about people's engagement in arts and culture with broader behavioural and attitudinal insights.
The Schools Engagement Report presents a range of information, including where the schools that you engage are based, along with engagement by:
Year group
Phase type (state-funded, independent, etc)
Type (such as academies, community schools, free schools etc)
Religious denomination.
The Report also lets you compare the schools you are currently reaching with those of your chosen base area, according to:
% of pupils eligible for Free School Meals
Ethnicity profile
Number of pupils with English as a second language
Keep an eye out for further Schools Engagement Tools coming soon...
What about the schools you could be engaging?
In the future we are looking to develop a complementary report that highlights the schools that an organisation is not currently reaching. This knowledge can be invaluable in helping to inform your schools-based audience development and strategic planning. - How does your schools engagement relate to your wider audience engagement?
We are also keen for an organisation to be able to consider its specific schools engagement data in the context of its wider audience profile. The aim is to support the organisation – and the broader sector – in understanding more about the engagement big picture. This can help you to see how your school's engagement sits within the wider ecology of your family programmes, informal learning and general offers. -
How does your schools engagement performance compare to other organisations’?
In building these tools, we will be developing the potential for organisations to compare their own schools’ engagement with that of other (non-specific) organisations at local, regional and sector levels. This presents opportunities for benchmarking, inspiration and even collaboration, as well as the development of larger longterm data-sets that will generate national-level insights about schools engagement.
Interested in hearing when we launch the report? Let us know HERE so we can be in touch.
Written by Lucie Fitton, Head of Learning & Participation
Featured in the May edition of The Learning Diaries. Aimed at those working in learning, engagement or participation in the cultural sector, this newsletter will share updates from our team on sector events, ideas from some of our projects and links to new research. To receive The Learning Diaries, visit the sign up page.