Creative Industries: Place-based Sector Development

The Audience Agency, in partnership with the Creative Industries Council, invites you to join us for this free online event, the third in our ongoing series.

The Place Forum is designed to provide Local and Combined Authority officers, place-based intermediaries and wider industry with strategic insights, actionable knowledge and new connections. In this way, the Forum will support local partners ambitious to accelerate their creative industries development.

This event will focus on how the creative sector can contribute to unlocking economic growth and breaking down barriers to opportunity - looking ahead to local growth plans and further devolution.

What we'll be talking about:

Devolution: Unlocking Local Economic Growth
How can greater powers locally contribute to economic development and breaking down barriers to opportunities?

Creative Clusters and Local Growth Plans
How can local partners ensure the creative sector is recognised within local growth plans? How can local growth plans align with the planned national Industrial Strategy?

Innovation and Investment
How can we convert innovation into commercial success across the country?

Have your say
Time to reflect and have your say with a Q&A

Speakers include:

  • Francesca Hegyi OBE, Chief Executive at Edinburgh International Festival

Additional speakers to be announced. Alongside these speakers and presentations, there will be a Q&A and an opportunity to put your questions to the panel.

Date and time:

Thursday 26th September 2024, 9.30am-11.30am


This event will take place on Zoom. Attendance is free but registration is essential. Please note this event will not be recorded.

Book your free place

Who would find this event valuable:

Cultural policy makers, local authority and combined authority officers responsible for cultural, economic, or educational portfolios, creative industry professionals, education representatives, creative industry advocacy groups, cultural researchers and analysts, diversity and inclusion advocates, arts and cultural organisation leaders.


All events will provide Zoom automated transcription in English. If you have other access requirements please let us know via the booking form, additional services will be provided wherever possible.

About Creative Industries Council

The Creative Industries Council (CIC) is a forum of government, creative businesses and other creative organisations.

It focuses on areas where there are barriers to growth of UK creative sectors such as access to finance, skills, export markets, regulation, intellectual property (IP) and infrastructure, and on promoting greater diversity and inclusion.