We value working internationally not just to share our expertise but as a means of discovery – to learn from new people, to evolve our concepts and practices. From individual audience participation workshops to large-scale, multi-organisation and consortia collaborative research, we can tailor our services to suit your needs.

Co-operation lies at the heart of our international work and our approach has been greatly informed by the collaborative, networked approach of projects funded by the European Union, most notably with the Adeste partnership for audience development. This includes the recent Adeste+ project which co-created the Audience Centred Experience Design (ACED) blueprint. ACED embeds an agile, holistic approach that goes beyond short term initiatives to help organisations become more sustainable, relevant and inclusive.

Central to these projects has been a commitment to learning from diverse experiences and contexts, which in turn add value and depth to the range of services we offer in the UK and abroad.t.

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Some of our international success stories...

Some of our international clients...