Digital Snapshot | 11.04.2023

Hello and welcome to the latest edition of the Digital Snapshot, bringing you all the latest digital news, ideas, tips and guidance for the arts, culture, museums and heritage world.

On 12 April (i.e. tomorrow) during our TEA Break event we'll be sharing what we found when we asked people why they follow arts, culture and heritage organisations on social media. It's from 2:15pm-3pm, and the insights should be useful for anyone who needs a bit of real data to back up their strategic hunches about audiences.

Latest News

Useful / bookmarkable

Distracting / entertaining / inspiring

Good Reads

  • A load of people wrote an open letter calling on AI labs to pause development of systems more powerful than Chat GPT-4 for six months to allow policymakers time to catch up and develop some governance. Considering how slow governments have been to adapt to and regulate social media, it's not that bad an idea.

And that’s all for this edition. If you come across any interesting or noteworthy content or have any of your own projects to share please send it my way. Don't forget we're here to support you with training, research and consultancy, so please do get in touch. You can find all past editions of the Digital Snapshot here.

You can also post your thoughts on digital and data-related topics to us and a wider community through our Community forum.

You can find me or The Audience Agency on Twitter. See you soon.

Adam Koszary

Head of Digital, The Audience Agency

Need some help with Digital?

The Audience Agency can help you get the most out of your digital activity, taking an audience-centric approach, focusing on the needs of the audience, rather than the technical features or functions of different channels.

Improve your digital platforms and tactics

In the Digital Snapshot, our Head of Digital Adam Koszary offers a comprehensive round-up of the latest news, innovation and interesting ideas in the world of digital, as relevant to the arts, culture, museums and heritage sectors.

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