Infographic showing a heart with the proportions of interest in history and heritage: 23% main interest, 57% quite interested, 20% not interested

Hello and welcome to Talking Evidence and Audiences, our monthly newsletter bringing you the latest audience research news, inspiration, tips and guidance for the arts, culture, museums and heritage world.

Interest in History & Heritage

The good news is that a really big majority of the population say they're interested in History and Heritage, with 80% of people expressing an interest. Personal connections are key in engaging people - 72% want to know more about the history of their local area.

Attitudes to Heritage

We also asked the extent to which people agreed or disagreed with a range of statements about history and heritage, to better understand the attitudes which people bring to their engagement. The results may surprise you.

Cost of Living

It's no surprise that the UK population feel worse off than they did last year. 71% say they are worried about the cost of living crisis and its effect on them. 

Stay up to date with our evidence about the sector in Audience Answers

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Diary Dates - conferences and events not to miss

TEA Break Events

Catch up on our last TEA Break session - Heritage Attitudes - by watching the recording below.

Book now for TEA Break: Reviews and Recommendations

12 June 2.15pm - 3pm

Join us tomorrow for our next TEA Break session which presents latest insights from our Cultural Participation Monitor answering the questions: where are people turning to for ideas of what to do and which sources do they trust when it comes to making the decision to attend or not? 

Cultural Participation MonitorWe are now working in partnership on each wave of the Cultural Participation Monitor, if your organisation is interested in a robust source of information on a particular topic, get in touch.

Do send us anything interesting you read, requests for future editions, and news of your events and insights you'd like us to mention to: