Working with your strategic management team, we help your organisation build confidence around using data to drive decision making about your audiences.

How it works:

Across three sessions, delivered throughout the year, we deliver a mixture of:

  • Theory and background information
  • In practice sessions. getting you hands-on with data
  • Discussion and knowledge sharing, takeaways and handouts
  • Between session short tasks to build independent confidence

Session 1

  • In the first session, we introduce the overall programme.
  • We familiarise you with the Audience Finder dashboards, including the visitor survey and data collection.
  • Learn about the fundamentals of segmentation and its application in strategy (Audience Spectrum and MOSAIC).

Session 2

  • In the second session, we explore your organisation's population data through an Area Profile Report Plus.
  • This includes both theory and practical exercises focused on how this data can be applied to current challenges.

Session 3

  • In final the session, we spend time looking at the results of your survey report to consider what Audience Spectrum Profiling can tell you about your organisation, in the context of background population and potential development opportunities.
  • We discuss the core planning principles to apply when developing audience insight plans and strategies.
  • We will also consider how your organisation might continue its commitment to using data to drive decision making, what further training might be needed for the front of house and management teams, and how to embed data insight into ongoing monitoring and performance KPIs.

Get in touch to talk to one of our consultants about how we can help your organisation to be more audience-driven.