We do know that there's higher engagement in live literature in more affluent areas, especially for Literary Talks from analysis of Audience Finder data by O'Brien, Taylor and Hanriquet. There are lots of other interesting details tucked away in that article too. Interestingly though, the Taking Part figures show little difference between attendance levels in rural and urban areas (unlike some other artforms).
Regional variation
On average, 81% of Live Literature bookers attend an event in the
region in which they live. Whilst this number does vary across
the country, the percentage of audiences attending events in their
home region is higher than is typical for other artforms.
Local attendance
Given that, at a regional level, Live Literature attenders tend to stay relatively close to home, it's interesting to dig a little deeper into this idea of literary localness. At Local Authority level, 40% of all bookings were for events in the booker's home Local Authority, although this varies considerably by audience profile and the type of literature event they are attending.
Remember that you can use Audience Finder to compare the profile of your local and non-local audiences. If you're keen to dig a little deeper, our Drive Time and Distance Report can help you define what ‘local’ means for you and better understand your catchment area.
Check out our new Drive Time and Distance Report